
Chapter 104 - White Knight Vs Grand Knight III

"May I ask the Lord for guidance, for strength, and for wisdom! In the name of the God of water, the transcender of oceans and the bringer of floods, I REQUEST TO WIELD YOUR POWER TO SLAY MY FOE! SPIRIT SUMMON: GUARDIAN OF SEAS!"

Abruptly, as if the skies and atmosphere had listened to his words, water came out of nowhere while a huge pulse of energy exploded outwards, destroying or pushing everything back. A huge crater was left on the ground. The moment my sword had hit the pulse of energy, a clash of mana, aura, and magic occurred.


The clash was too powerful and just after three seconds of struggling, I felt a vibration through my sword before hearing...

*Crack Crack Crack*

Widening my gold and white eyes in the horror of what was about to happen, I watched as my sword snapped in half, leaving me with nothing but my hilt and a small part of what was left of my sword to work with. The instant my sword had snapped, all the energy built around it started going haywire, threatening to explode at any second, forcing me to jump back.

However, it was already too late. The sword was vibrating at an extremely high frequency, before exploding a second later leaving a huge crater, at least 30 meters in width, left to mark the floor of the roof for the few months to come, or at least until they fix it.

Slowly opening my eyes while twitching in pain, I saw the man I had been fighting for the last 4 minutes in front of me, ready to strike me down with an extremely powerful punch. This punch was shrouded in such a powerful aura, that me, someone who had an affinity to pride, someone who can make people dozens of times stronger than me shiver by looking into my eyes, someone who can kill people in the low to mid Gaseous Rank when going all out, feel a shiver go down my spine.


[Analysis complete]

[Spirit Summon: Guardian Of Seas- This is an ability that will increase one\'s power to the next rank for 2 minutes after fusing themselves with the armor of the -Guardian of Seas-. The backlash will incapacitate the user of this ability for 12 hours and will block their mana channels {this is what I\'m going to call the mana veins and arteries.} by 50% for 3 weeks, while also weakening their -Soul Flame-]

\'Analysis? What is my current mana pool\'


"FUCK! Ugh" Almost immediately, I felt a fist land on my abdomen, sending me flying back while also making me lose focus for a single second. However, before I could even get out of my daze, the man with his fist coated in aura did not take a single chance, and instantaneously lunged at me with all his strength.

He might not have been as fast as my flash step, but he was extremely close to being just as fast. Before I could even cross my arms to create an X in front of my chest, I felt another hit, yet this time, it was on my back.

This time, however, I was ready for an attack, and no matter from which side it had come from, I could find foot on any surface. I swiftly moved my foot behind me before exploding a small fire burst under my foot to stop my momentum, before using another on my other foot to slow my descent, however, I was not done there.

Positioning my feet and hands at certain angles, I exploded a few fire bursts at different intervals while swiftly beginning to gain momentum on my spin. At the same time, I had used my Light illusion to make him think that I was still tumbling on the ground, completely at the mercy of his hands. This was the best thing to do since for some reason, the once robed man had a thing for dominating women and having them at his mercy. It is the same reason why he had not realized that I had used an illusion earlier even with his aura proudly being exuded to locate everything within his surroundings.

This was no longer a battle of only strength, but a battle of minds. I was the weaker once before yet I was able to trick him a multitude of times to win, and now, I was about to do the same thing. I no longer let of any blood lust, but rather, cold and calculated killing intent. This was no longer a game for me, where I would win and gain the soul of the loser as my prize money, but rather, it was a battle to the death where honor is just a cheap excuse for one\'s loss while dirty tactics were the way to go.

Meanwhile, I had created an illusion and changed it a little, making it seem like I had taken a lot more damage than I had when being flung away while putting a changing the illusion to make it seem like I had a few scrape wounds and a pool of blood under me. I made sure I looked like absolute shit, taking advantage of the fact I knew that it would turn him \'on\' a little.

As I had predicted, my method had worked and the man was smiling like the biggest idiot in the world, not saying that he wasn\'t probably the biggest idiot in the world for falling for the same trick twice.

Spinning even more quickly, I raised my foot into an ax-kick position while engulfing it with pale blue flames that burned vigorously with my mana fueling it. Right now, I have a little less than 30% of my mana left within me, and it was being drained once again by my flames.

Not wanting to waste any more time while he was distracted, I moved my foot down with extreme force and speed, making a whistling sound while it partitioned the air while my foot sliced through it. Right before hitting in the right on the head with my burning heel, my flames enlarged even more, yet, the moment they were about to touch even a single hair of his, they extinguished like they were never there.

"Did you think I would fall for the same trick twice? You really are an amateur... no, maybe a child at best" The man\'s voice echoes while the corners of his mouth stretched into a maniacal smile, going from ear to ear.

\'Little shi-aaaAHHHHHH\'

Before I could even curse him, he clenched onto my ankle with his iron grip, before smashing me into the ground in front of him. However, he did not stop there, continuingly smashing me from side to side, giving me injury after injury which eventually healed, however, due to the healing using the elemental particles within my body, I found myself becoming more hungry and more exhausted after every hit.

Eventually, I regained my focus and...


Using one of the largest flame bursts I could use, I shot it at point-blank range of his face, right before he was about to smash me into the floor again. However, to my surprise and horror, there was not even a single scratch on his face.

"Trying to use flames on aman blessed by the guardian of seas? Are you stupid or dumb?" The man asked with a raised eyebrow and innocent curiosity shimmering his aqua blue eyes, an innocence I would have never imagined to see on the face of such a cruel and disgusting man.

"F*CK YOU" I spat on his face, before using 10% of my mana to activate a light spell that I had just learned.

[Aura Of A Thousand Battles- Allows the caster to enhance their body by forcefully taking out their aura while also using the light element to enhance their regeneration, pain numbness, and cognitive thinking ability for two minutes. This ability can be used as long as the caster has the will to fight, however, the longer it is on, the more severe the backlash will be.]

Suddenly, an aura of white and gold erupted from my body, creating huge shockwaves that almost make the grip of the man falter. However, I was not done there. Taking inspiration from a manga that I had read back on earth, I had realized that the man was not going to let go of my ankle, so I did the only thing I could do in this situation.


Hearing a few cracks, the man couldn\'t help but look at the ankle he was holding, wondering if he had put too much strength into the grip, making my ankle break. However, he couldn\'t be more wrong. The moment he looked at my ankle, his face went through confusion, realization, and horror within the blink of an eye, yet he was still not fast enough to block my attack.

I had purposely broken my ankle by spinning my entire body 720 degrees, before smashing my foot into his jaw, almost breaking it with a single impact. However, I had gotten what I had wanted, and it was for him to loosen his grip.

Looking down at my ankle, I watched it as it spun back into place, circularly splashing blood around, while my elemental particles and light element did the rest. I did not waste a second before lunging forwards and digging my fist deep into the man\'s abdomen. unfortunately, he still had that damned armor he got from what he called \'the guardian of seas\'.


[The amount of divine aura you are leaking has been restricted]

[Amount will be decreased now.]

[30%----> 5%]

[Minute damage has been done to your soul channels.]


[Repairment will take 3 days.]

[Use of the soul channels has been completely restricted for 3 days]

[Creating substitute...

[Subtitute unavailable. Please use -Eyes of consumption- to steal the aura of the enemy. Conversion of the aura will start when you consume 400 units of the enemy\'s aura]

\'SH*T!\' I roared within my mind

\'I should just call Olivia an-\' The man did not give enough time to ponder on the situation at hand, appearing in front of me and instantaneously plunging his fist into my abdomen making me spit a mouthful of blood out, before gripping onto my head and smashing me onto the floor face first.

Not even giving me time to breathe, he swiftly bashed his foot against the side of my torso, sending me flying as if I were a football.

Landing on the floor while spitting out another mouthful of blood, I started to glare at the man while standing up slowly. Seeing this as my last act of defiance, he finally released all his trump cards.

The wind started to build up, while my coat fluttered in it. The air that was once moist due to the spring heat, was not dry and old. As the wind blew, even more, I watched as a huge sphere, 4 times larger than the last raging splash flow, appeared over the man\'s head, growing even more unstable as it grew, as well as the raging currents that flowed within it.

His aura, which was once but an extravagant candle before, had turned into dozens of spears, swords, arrows, and bullets. However, it did not finish there, as the water elemental particles around him slowly turned into water blades, before freezing into concentrated ice blades.

"ANY LAST WORDS?!" The man roared with a psychopathic laugh coming out of his mouth. It sounded like the laugh of a demon right before eating its meals. Truly disgusting.


A maniacal soul-chilling laugh resounded in the area. It moved with the wind. making it even louder and even more omnipresent. One could say it sounded like the laugh of an archangel. A laugh echoed within the ears of everyone, even the people in the stadium. No, to the people hearing it, it sounded like the laugh of the Devil himself, waiting to cause chaos and calamity wherever his feet would land.

"Yes, yes I do. I have one thing to say to something as disgusting as you. Something so gross, vile, and impure as yourself. Your idiocy and impotence as well as your vicious nature that would put mindless demons and beasts to shame. You are nothing but scummy little shit and the only thing I can say to something as pathetic you is..." Before saying the last words, I stopped myself, putting in all my pent-up emotions, whether they were positive or negative, whether they were healthy or not, into this single phrase.

People say that your life flashed before your eyes right before you die, and the scientific reason for that is that your mind is trying to find the best and most effective way to save you from the death that you might eventually succumb to. But right here and right now, I was never more confident that I was going to survive. I knew I could kill him, yet as if my mind heard my inner demons screaming for help, screaming to be let out, screaming out for every single bit of negative emotion I had ever felt in both my lives, it replayed my entire life before my eyes. No, both my lives. From moments of happiness to moments of sorrow.

From the day I was born and held within the arms of my first mother, to the day she died. As if I was in my own world, I saw every moment I ever lived through. I reminisced over the days I lost playing with my online friends, the days we would talk about maybe meeting each other one day, the days we shouted out and screamed in the happiness of our in-game victories. All those memories might have been short, but they showed me how life should be lived, and how life can be beautiful.

Those memories were cut short, however, switching to the long, lonely, sorrowful life from the day my mother died. From my sister\'s constant bullying to my brothers who thought of themselves so much better than me. The days I cried for so long that my tears would run dry, to the days my father would not even recognize my existence.

While it had shown me how disgusting humans can be, how sinful the once innocent human child can become within the span of their puny mortal lives, and how while people might preach for equality, in the end, life is not fair and it will never be.

Yet, for some reason, the moment I could finally see the Warrior who I had been battling for the last few minutes, I felt as if all that anger, all the pain, and all the suffering I had felt was because of him and people like him, yet I could not blame him.

-"I want to be able to look down on others the same way they looked down on me, break and torture those who do not fit with my ideals"-

That is what I said, which made me realize, with a bit of power, and mind can be corrupted, even mine. But, I didn\'t care. I don\'t care. Yes, he might become a kind of personification of everything that hurt me, but while I would not be as evil as him, everyone has Ideals, and mine is similar if not worse than his own.

But, I didn\'t care. This all started because he was about to kill (brothers) my family, but does that mean I wouldn\'t have jumped in if my family was not endangered by him? Or would I have still killed everyone and him or the extra soul flames?

-"No connections means no losses. If you get rid of the weakness you can become stronger"-

\'Wait what? Why am I thinking about that right now I thought while the words of the entity I spoke to during my awakening echoed in my ears.

"ROT IN HELL" While my mind was still buzzing and in a confused state due to me not knowing what just happened, I finally roared while shooting straight at him will all my speed and power.

{Author\'s note: For those who comment on my novel or want to comment on my novel, I\'m not sure why but whenever someone uses a curse word, including damn, the comments are immediately deleted.. I can see the comments when looking at the notifications, but by the time I get to reply to them, they are automatically deleted.}

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