
Chapter 65 - Getting A Check-up

{Authors note: Changing the spelling of Pandora\'s nick name to Panni Instead of Pany. I realised it might have caused some confusion in the pronunciation if I kept it as Pany

"So you\'re saying Panni has the enhanced constitution of Vision?" Inquired my eldest sister with a small glint in her eyes that showed pride and happiness.

Seeing that, my lips couldn\'t help but curve upwards into a small genuine smile. My sister was one of the few good people in the world, and I truly hoped no one would take advantage of that. I do not know if she is just like that to her family and some of her friends, but I knew she was an amazing person either way.

Even I cannot confidently say that I would not be jealous if she or Gen had gotten something as big as an enhanced constitution. I would have probably gone into a sour mood for a bit before overcoming it by the realization that she is my sister, not a rival or enemy.

A second went by in the real world while I stood there thinking about how amazing my sister is. For a moment, I felt a little bit of envy towards the person who is going to marry her, because if I had someone like that back in my world, I would have considered it heaven on earth.

My thoughts were then broken by a loud declaration from my grandmother, stating "We should go to the hospital and get a small check up on her, to see if she really does have an enhanced constitution!". With everyone agreeing to the plan, my thought process about what kind of food I should get when going to the central region of the town was cut off once again, by a child crying out like a feminist in a rally.

"I DON\'T WANT TO GO! WHY DOES SHE GET EVERYTHING WHILE WE GET NOTHING?!" Said Zack enraged with a hint of envy. I could tell he was just throwing a tantrum for the hell of it, but not sure what he was exactly getting out of it.

"Your sister might have a constitution! This is good for the family! You should be happy for a your sister." Stated my mother with a hint of pride and excitement filling her cyan eyes. She was tapping her foot slightly while the hand that she leaned onto the table with was tapping its nails on the surface of the table rapidly.


\'HEY! I worked my a*s off since the day I was born. Yes, it might be because I don\'t have anything else to do, but I still worked my ass off! What did you do you little sh-\' My inner monologue got cut off once again, by the tantrum the two children threw in front of my parents. I wanted to give them a few first degree burns, but if I were to do that, I would have to bear with getting told off.

With a small sigh of annoyance leaving my mouth, I walked towards my grandma and told her to come to the kitchen. After we reached the kitchen, I looked at her before asking "Can I have my money?". A look of realization flashed within her eyes before she took out all the money I had gained. I had gained a few gold coins with a mountain of silver coins from the earlier betting contest I had in the central region of the town.

After taking all the silver, gold and the small amounts of coppers here and there, and putting them in my dimensional bracelet that I had merged with my mother\'s gauntlets that were morphed into a single pitch black bracelet.

Walking out of the kitchen a few minutes after walking in before, I watched as both 14 year old children were sprawled onto the floor, being extremely loud. I slowly moved towards the two and stood above both of them, making them stop \'tantrum-ing\' for a second while looking towards my face.

I moved my hand forwards in a swift movement while opening my palm upwards. A burst of blue flames came from my hand that turned into a fireball and slit into two just to levitate above their chests. They immediately went silent seeing the fire, remembering the kind of damage it could do, making them shudder to their core.

They looked towards their parents who had their eyes wide open in shock. Blue fire was apparently not something anyone can do. You must have excelent mana control while also having a very strong affinity to the fire element to create something that strong.

Ignoring my parents, I looked towards both of the children on the floor with expressions of horror.

"If you don\'t shut the f*ck up, I\'ll make sure you know what it feels to have second degree burn." I Stated in a nonchalant tone of voice, even though what I had just said was clearly a threat. Before I could puff the flames, I heard my mother\'s voice from behind me saying "That\'s enough" before puffing the flame for me.

She had used ice magic to take away to heat aspect from my flames, puffing the flames entirely. The flames weren\'t that strong, but to be able to do that you must at least pour double the amount of ice mana into the fire and remove the heat from the fire.

After deciding it was best to leave the two children behind, we took a carriage to the central region. It was quite slow for my liking. \'I could run there at least 10 times faster than this carriage... Why do they still use horses when they have mana stones which are basically the equivalent of electricity and energy? Might need to be come an inventor or something to make this world a little easier for everyone and myself... Maybe just myself\' I thought.

I kept looking outside the window with my eyes still closed, yet I could see the outside as if my eyes were wide open. This seemed to puzzle the rest of my family, but they just went the explanation that maybe I could just feel the heat from the sun, therefore I made it so my face was facing it. Even though they were partly right, I don\'t even need to to run my head to look outside, so they are also partly wrong.

After finally going through an hour journey that would have taken me a few minutes on foot, we got out of the carriage and walked towards the local healing clinic. This is where the healer/doctor of this region reside and conducts his work, which is healing people and checking up on them.

Walking towards the clinic, I walked ahead just to hear my mother shout out my name.

"Pandora! Since you can\'t see just walk wit-" Her voice turned into a whisper as she watched me dodge the crowd in front of me seamlessly, not even skimming anyone\'s clothes as moved around. The three looked at my grandma weirdly, who was the only one without a single reaction since the start of all of this, almost as if she knew from the start.

It is not like I or my grandma like to keep secrets, but I simply do not trust anyone with the information about my divinity. Since Juilam found out on his own, I didn\'t have to say anything but with my family, it is on a whole other level. I\'d like to think that I built some trust within my family in the last few years, but the truth is, this family know less about me than my last family on earth.

While my step-sister on earth always knew what I was doing and how I was doing, my family now know nothing about me. I didn\'t even tell them about my affinities, nor did I tell them about my use of light magic. even though my grandma already knows.

After a few minutes of walking, I reached the clinic first where there was a 4 story house. It did not look like anything I expected, since I expected it to look more like a hospital rather than an office space or a home. After staring at the building far a few more seconds with an unreadable expression on my face, I knocked on the door just when a man with round glasses opened the door, clearly sensing me before I even tapped on the door itself.

He wore a long white robe that went down to his knees and looked more like a doctors jacket than a robe. Invisible runic inscriptions were all over the jacket, some I could identify as protection runes while others I could only feel the element of.

I stared at him, not directly of course, but I could feel that he felt my gaze as I scanned him from head to toe. He also started to look at me inquisitively while also scanning me head to toe with his mana sense.

\'He must have quite high senses to be able to feel my gaze\' I thought

\'This one is a little different huh... I\'ll have to check later but right now I have to do my job\'

"So child" He let out while crouching to my level "What are you doing here?"

"PANDORA!" I heard a shout from behind. It was my mother\'s and I knew she would take around 45 seconds to catch up with me. She left the rest of the family behind her as she started to jog towards me without even taking a single glance at the doctor.

When the rest of the family got to me, they finally looked at the doctor, while only two from the four that came with me had an interesting reaction. This doctor was not the same one as the one that had come to me when I was a child, but clearly my father and my grandmother knew who he was.

"Oh, if it isn\'t the Raven\'s. Quite nice to see you again! Is this your child? Why didn\'t you tell me? She almost hit her adolescent years and I didn\'t know? I could have trained her or som-"

"First off, she is barely 6. Secondly, I think I\'m good enough to train her in magic, I don\'t need your help" Declared my grandmother in a proud tone.

"SIX! SHE IS AT LEAST TWELVE! Stop messing with me, she is at least a whole foot taller than she should be at this age." snapped back the doctor

"She isn\'t lying, even I was surprised by her growth" Replied my grandmother

"Hmm? I see... So I\'m guessing you came here for that?" Asked the Doctor

"Actually Albert, we came here for a full check up and also an enhanced constitution test." Replied my father almost immediately.

"Oh really? What constitution do you think she has." questioned Albert

"Enhanced vision" Replied my mother before my father could say anything.

"Alright, come in and sit down in the waiting area, I\'ll try to get you guys as first as possible" Albert sprinted into the clinic, looking extremely enthusiastic, which was something I couldn\'t help but shake my head at.

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