
Chapter 401: Disobedient Children-II

Chapter 401: Disobedient Children-II

"This is your room, Esther," Elise said to the girl after ushering her to the new room. She found that during riding the carriage, Esther continue to appear normal and she didn\'t know if this was due to Ian\'s teaching, but she learned that the more normal one behave, it was often that they were the fishiest one who hid more secret than what meet the eye.

Esther walked into the room Elise led her to, looking around and smile spread on her lips, "This is a very extravagant room. I never knew castle would be this big. I had heard news but never see it by my own eyes. But it\'s a pity that most of the castle covered by curtain."

"Ian doesn\'t like sunlight much, and although at first I also think it was a shame, now I embrace the little gloominess in the castle as something very relaxing," Elise answered, at time, she shared gaze with Beelzebub who came inside while holding the two suitcases and brought it to the bed.

"I suppose so," Esther answered while staring at the blonde-haired Demon. So far this Demon was the most troublesome one for her.

During the time the carriage came back to the castle, Esther went down from the carriage to take her suitcase when Beelzebub offered himself again. The woman refused the Demon multiple times, still trying to be polite but each word Beelzebub said only manage to push her into her anger. He was playing with her button and knew what to do to make her vex. But with the knowledge and ability of masking her emotions for decades, Esther managed to show her polite self without a hitch.

"The butler of the house is currently on a vacation. If there anything you wish to ask, please do call Mila. She is a human who would be able to help you every time you need," Elise advised and before she left, Esther took her hand. Slightly surprised, Elise still maintain the smile while looking at Esther.

"I am glad that we can be together again, Elise. I heard that marriage between human and a mythical being like vampire isn\'t allowed until you received a special agreement from the Church. But the problem of marriage doesn\'t lie only during the wedding. If there anything you wish to talk with someone, please don\'t hesitate and come to me. We have just met but the fact that we are sisters, I hope we can start to bond like other siblings," Esther said, and it was hard to pick the lie from Esther\'s words. Elise noticed how sincere the younger girl was and although Elise didn\'t trust her, her word would manage to make people who passed by them to think of how beautiful the sibling relationship they shared was.

"I will keep it in mind, thank you, Esther. Let\'s meet again during dinner," answered Elise.

When Elise had left, Esther\'s smile didn\'t fall immediately and it was because there was someone who kept staring at her back while sitting on her bed. She turned her face, keeping a slightly confused expression, "Mr..."

"Beel. Beel Harmstring," Beelzebub named his new name, and instead of standing up while gazed by Esther, Beel crossed his feet without opening his shoes and made himself home on her bed; causing Esther to look at his shoes with faint frown.

"I was wondering if you will leave my room? A woman and man in the same room without presence of another person is said could call upon Demon," Esther said, signaling the Demon that it was time to leave.

"Then would you like to try?" Beelzebub questioned, his grin widening. "Calling upon Demon."

Esther\'s smile faded at once. The saying that she had used to tell Beelzebub to get away from her tail had another meaning where calling upon demon meant having unwedded sex. Now, frown tightly knot on Esther\'s forehead. "If that is a joke, it isn\'t funny, Mr. Harmsrting. May I ask why you are so fond of pushing my buttons? You have been doing this since we met and it\'s rude which I would like you to stop right at the moment."

Beelzebub looked at her with a questioning look, pulling a naive expression, "Pushing your buttons? I haven\'t taken off your clothes yet when did I pushed your button?"

"Y-You!" Esther was speechless. This Demon unlike Elise or the Lord didn\'t cease to become bold with his advances and Esther knew it wasn\'t because Beelzebub had taken a liking to her but because he was instructed by Ian to watch over her movements. "I demand you to leave."

"Oh touché," Beelzebub clicked his tongue before pushing himself from the bed. "We haven\'t talk a lot and yet you drive me out from your room. I had helped you with your belongings-"

"I didn\'t ask you to," Esther answered and when the man came a step closer, the girl was quick to take three steps back. The action was caught by Beelzebub and his smile widened.

"Are you perhaps scared of men, Esther?" Beelzebub asked to see how Esther\'s eyes narrow at once. "Did you had a traumatic event in the past that cause you to be scared of men?"

Esther stared back at Beelzebub\'s red eyes. The Demon seemed to be threading his feet between taking another step or not and she frowned as he was playing another cat and mouse game with her. "You are overthinking it. I just find that to be touch by man whom I don\'t know just like any other women as disturbing."

"Really?" Beelzebub continued to stare at Esther\'s blue eyes without deter, "Then why don\'t you come closer? You can touch me and prove it."

Esther watched Beelzebub handing his hand out and her teeth gritted together. It was a humiliation for her to be played and strummed by the Demon\'s mischief but she couldn\'t do anything as they were currently in the house of her target.

"I don\'t see why I should touch you. Please leave Mr. Harms- What are you doing?!" yelled Esther when Beelzebub\'s hand snaked around her waistline. She struggled to get off but she realized the Demon was far stronger than any other Demon she met before.

"Oh, you\'re quite strong," hummed Beelzebub, "But that\'s not enough to shake me off."

"Why are you doing this?! Bothering me," Esther asked, a fiercer look come across her blue eyes that caused Beelzebub to whistle in awe.

"I find you rather pitiable, Esther. There is something in you that was bright in the past but now had turn extremely dull. It\'s strange really, how you still look pleasing even after you have dulled. Women like you are quite my taste— women who are strong and brave enough to spark interest in me," Beel said and Esther watched the Demon\'s tongue sneaked out of his lips and went across the seam of his lips as if preparing to eat her.

"And I think I have find myself pitiable for sparking your interest unwillingly. I will warn you, Mr. Harmstring. I don\'t take your game to be a fun one. I have to apologize to Elise for ruining her hospitable welcome but I will tell her of your behavior if you keep on doing what you do now. Release my hand!" Esther demanded.

Beelzebub continue to watch how Esther struggled to get out of his arms and his smile widened further. "You know you won\'t be able to release yourself from my arms. I have strong pair of arms that might be a trouble for you. But-" Beelzebub suddenly released his arm and Esther was quick to leave the place, rubbing her waist as if trying to dust off the trace of the Demon\'s arm on her body. "This should do for today. I won\'t promise this won\'t happen again. I am keen to pursue on people who I have taken interest in. Let\'s keep today\'s rendezvous action of us together, won\'t you?"

Esther glared at Beelzebub, her polite self was slowly slipping away from her face as she couldn\'t tolerate the Demon\'s words and impolite actions any further that pushed her most sensitive button. "You are scared that the Lord and Elise would know how rude you behaved toward me and drive you out from the castle," and if she was correct in this judgment of hers, it would mean that Elise does prioritize her to a certain extent that might be easier for her to befriend the girl.

"That\'s not it," Beelzebub take one step forward and Esther took the courage not to move and her eyes turned fiercer than before. "I want to have a secret just between us two. During our discussion back from your house, the carriage, and here, I have seen how much of a good liar you are. Which why, play with me a little won\'t you?" Beelzebub questioned before winking his eyes and let the room.

Esther, who was now alone, was confused by the words said by Beelzebub. What did he meant? She had came to the castle with the thought of gaining Elise\'s trust but perhaps she had instead fallen to a craft trap made by the two Demons in the house?


It\'s my birthday, therefore the one chapter so I can have a little holiday^^ thank you for the whites everyone~

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