
Chapter 282: The Microsoft that does not move, the mouse that splits directly

  The American warship in the Red Sea fired cruise missiles at Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, destroying what they believed to be a pharmaceutical factory that helped Terrorist manufacture chemical weapons. Not only that, but seventy-five cruise missiles landed in Afghanistan.

The first air strike caused the death of more than 20 people and injured dozens of people. After the attack, the Sudanese commander strongly condemned the American attack and decided to formally withdraw the diplomatic missions stationed in the United States on the 21st, and Announced to take all means to fight back against America\'s aggression, the Afghan authority also made a similar statement, some Muslim countries set off a wave of protests, and the terrorist organization responsible for the two bombings even publicly announced that it would continue revenge.

  When news of these resolute oppositions continued to spread back to America, the smell of gunpowder hanging over the Beacon of Freedom became more intense. Whether to start a war against the country that sheltered the terrorist organization has become a hot topic of discussion at the moment.

As a fictional but positive example, the box office of "Saving Private Ryan" has been rising steadily without the main creative team saying anything. An R-rated film with a duration of nearly three hours has already rushed to the top of the box office after only one month of its release. With a box office of 400 million, this kind of achievement makes a bunch of special effects blockbusters extremely ashamed, and also makes Hollywood practitioners call out——

  ‘This group of guys are too lucky, right? \'

  Before the movie was released, many people had already given their assessments, thinking that even if this kind of World War II movie had the blessing of big names, it would not be able to attract more passers-by in the summer, because kneeling on the truth.

  Now, it is really better to shoot well than to play well, and to blow well is not as good as timing.

  As soon as the embassy bombing came out, that kind of invisible propaganda was more powerful than any advertisement.

  The point is—

   No money required!


  While the sharpening of the knife was slowly progressing towards the chicken slaughtering of pigs and sheep, Roland\'s shaking people also came to fruition.

Sergey Brin\'s parents were pushed out to America by the anti-Semitic movement in the Soviet Union, so when the companions who helped them showed them that Roland Allen, a good friend of the Jews, was very happy with their son\'s project. Interested, but when their son had concerns, he made a series of deadly calls, completely submerging Sergey Brin.

Larry Page\'s parents learned of their son\'s misunderstanding of Roland Allen on the Jewish Sunday of that week. When the reformed rabbi in Michigan brought them Roland Allen\'s kindness back…

  The young man with gray hair was directly educated by his religious mother.

If it’s just these things, it’s fine. Susan Wojcicki, who lent them the garage to start a business, was also very interested in the support of her classmates and bosses after the Blizzard Big Three appeared, and briefly described the beautiful life of seniors to the two. .

   And the founder of SUN, Andy Becketterson, who gave them 100,000 yuan to fund their company, even called directly, saying that they could accept Roland Allen\'s investment conditions.

   Occupying Yahoo\'s search engine market can help them develop rapidly.

   To be honest, when they received a call from their parents and learned that those guys were actually lobbying for Roland Allen, their minds were blank. If it was oneonone, they might have already started Whatthefuck.

   And when they came to the garage where they started their business, the information revealed from Larry Page\'s beautiful landlord and Sergey Brin\'s future aunt made them even more confused!

   As for receiving a call from a patron at night?

  They are already wondering whether they have lost a few days of life?

   Obviously, Andy Becketterson was the first to say that he must wait for the product to be commercialized before seeking venture capital, and he can call him directly if necessary, but now it has only been a few days, and this guy has spoken again?

   "What\'s the situation?" Larry Page was full of wonder.

   "I don\'t know either!" Sergey Brin, who was sitting on the sofa, was equally puzzled.

   "Aren\'t we starting a business?" Larry Page frowned.

   "Yes, it\'s entrepreneurship!" Sergey Brin nodded.

   During the non-stop answering, they felt that they had become good friends of the little question mark.

  They are just mediocre college students, and they are not re-starting businesses after leaving Fairchild like Robert Noyce. Why are these venture capitalists acting like crazy, and they have to throw money at themselves?

  Is it impossible...

   "Is it because we are too handsome?"

   "That guy Roland wants to dive into us?"

  The unanimous words made the two people who looked at each other shudder.

   It\'s not just that they think so, after all, Roland\'s behavior of shaking people is too weird!

Even they themselves don\'t know what are the highlights of Google, which has not yet formally established a company. In this case, a guy whose net worth may exceed one billion keeps pestering them. What can I draw?

  Roland, who already has a fiancee, is actually a two-way plug?

   Grab the grass! This news is also the world\'s best for Mother Tete!

  Of course, this kind of thing is just to think about it in private. After all, under the revelations of various media, people all over the world now know that Roland already has a fiancée, and he is short of officially getting married.

   In the situation of being in love for a thousand days and staying together for 950 days, no one would suspect that Roland\'s sexual orientation is abnormal.

It was precisely because they understood that their thoughts were too scary and the current situation was too weird, so after realizing that these things could not be solved by themselves, the two took the initiative to contact the Big Three of Blizzard who had blocked them before. From their mouths, they got Knowing that the media has never disclosed the relationship between Roland and the Jews, and then...

   "Fuckyou! Why didn\'t you say it earlier!" The two \'run away\', "You clearly know that as long as you speak clearly, we can reach a cooperation, but you chose to hide it, and we were scolded by our parents?"

   "Then why didn\'t you say it earlier?" The Big Three of Blizzard who had been arguing with them for almost two months were also \'angry\', "You guys should reveal your identities as soon as you come up, then we won\'t waste so much time!"

   "Are you sick? Who would talk about their nationality when introducing themselves?"

   "Then you are also sick! You have shown such a strong wariness towards us! Even if we tell you, will you believe it?"

  The five cultured people started cursing in the garage.

The fierce dispute caused the hostess in the house to smile and shake her head. Susan Wojcicki, who was three months pregnant, kicked her sister and asked her to deliver water to those young boys. After Anne-Worcicki walked into the garage, the five irascible little brothers were like corgis who had been untied from the rope, and they beeped...

  No way, it\'s just a joke, it\'s all a joke.

  If there is a conflict, let’s fight, how can we get away?

When everything was spread out, Sergey Brin and Larry Page no longer resisted the investment from Overwatch Ventures, but even so, they only received a check for one hundred thousand dollars, and cooperated with Overwatch Ventures. Voted and signed the contract with priority investment rights.

  In their words, since Roland is so optimistic about them, don\'t blame them for asking the price cruelly.

  They won\'t accept a valuation of 50 million, but how much will they eventually call?

  That has to be discussed after the product is commercialized.

   For such a result, Roland is quite satisfied.

  As long as these two guys are willing to collect money, the lion will only squeeze out other VCs!

   As for making progress?

  Roland believed that they dare not, because Jewish children are afraid of being whipped by their mothers!

   Roland, hehehe...

  Really, don’t leave after school, I’ll let your mother beat you!


  Of course, when Google and Shouwang Venture Capital reached a consensus, the spiritual guy far away in Seattle also learned the news.

   It wasn\'t that he was deliberately paying attention to Roland, but Roland\'s investment behavior, which caused a big impact, and it was difficult to ignore it.

And after Bill Gates made a few phone calls and found out about the project Roland invested in this time through various relationships, a feeling of wonder suddenly came to his mind, because he couldn\'t understand, Roland was here. What are you doing?

   "How did he engage in search engines?"

   "Is this the new alternative he\'s looking for after selling Yahoo?"

   "However, the current search engine is not profitable! Compared with Yahoo, the gap is too big, right?"

Sitting in the office, Bill Gates rested his chin on one hand and looked at his friend Paul Allen with a puzzled face. The eyes under the lens were full of surprises. Become very slack.

   If you must use a metaphor, it would be Wang Dahammer.

"Isn\'t this already clearly stated? The reason why Roland invested in Google is because Amazon now has more and more products, but the search function is very poor. When you search for a keyword, six out of ten results are wrong. Yes, most of the time users turn pages to find products by themselves, so in order to improve user experience, they engage in search business by themselves.”

  Paul Allen patted the information folder on the table and recounted the contents.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. In order to let the old man help him shake people, he naturally had to explain the specific situation to the other party, so the news spread, and even if Paul Allen did not ask him for confirmation, that day The interlocking mode of operation will also reveal a lot of things, not to mention that Susan Wojcicki who lent the garage to Sergey Brin is still an Intel employee. The company called to ask what happened , everything will be clear, and if they know it, won\'t Microsoft know it too?

   Knowing this, Roland dragged Amazon out as a shield.

   But to be honest, his rhetoric can only deceive laymen.

   Too many loopholes for professionals.

   "If it\'s just to complement Amazon\'s search function, wouldn\'t it be good for him to poach people directly?"

   "So what about patents at Stanford? Take them to Amazon, and the technology born of people can follow."

   "There is no need to make such a big circle like it is now."

  Bill Gates knocked on the table with disbelief all over his face.

  Paul Allen, who saw him like this, laughed, "Do you think that Roland might have seen the broad prospects of search engines like investing in Apple? And he still firmly believes that he is right?"

   "That\'s right!" Bill Gates said with certainty: "Isn\'t he an investment at all?"

  “The real investment is to feel that the plan is feasible and can be invested, but even if you don’t invest, you will not be disappointed at the moment.”

   "Only when you are convinced that the project in front of you can be successful and has great potential, will you rush in like him."

   "Do you know what he feels like to me right now?"

   "Just like Warren saw the value of RandK before and wanted to force money to him."

   "It\'s that feeling, if I miss it now, I\'ll regret it now."

  Bill Gates felt that Roland was releasing the news that he was obviously optimistic about the search engine market to the outside world.

  Although this kind of release, for the time being, only he, a guy who knows the inside story, can see it.

  Because of the achievements of Overwatch Venture Capital, in fact, only Yahoo can count. The Apple that welcomed back Steve Jobs is still lying there! As for Amazon, the guy who knows the backing of this company will not attribute the success to Roland.

   After all, Jeff Bezos was able to issue an open letter to all shareholders stating that Amazon will never make a profit because of the support of the quantitative grandfather David Shaw and the snowball master Warren Buffett.

  Roland is just a trash picker.

  Of course, Bill Gates, who has witnessed many times from Apple and GPU, will not treat Roland as a fool, and it is precisely because of this seriousness that Paul Allen thinks—

   "Are you going to let Microsoft make a search engine too?"

   "You have to know that the next month is the most critical time. There is a high probability that the Ministry of Justice will officially launch an anti-monopoly investigation on us, which will involve a lot of our energy."

   "Next we have to get home hosting, and we want to eat Yahoo, with so many things going on..."

   “Continuing to develop a search engine is too much work for us.”

   "After all, this thing is different from others. There are too few programmers on the market..."

In the early days of Internet development, engineers in the information industry would not be able to work after three months of training as in the future. Now they are all fragrant, and most companies cannot find people. For a fairly good company in the market, dismissing the management and leaving only engineers is the cheapest way to poach people.

   In this way, even if Microsoft wants to be a search engine, they will not be able to find anyone for a while.

   But in the face of Paul Allen\'s inquiry, Bill Gates smiled and shook his head.

   "No, we\'re not doing a search engine for now."

   "Let\'s see what Roland will make the search engine look like, and then we can copy it."

   "What\'s more, what\'s most anxious in the market right now is not us at all, but Disney."

   "The more aggressive Roland is on the search engine, the more crazy Disney will be."

   "Who told them to throw money into the search engine field, but they are doing portals?"

   "The point is, they are also one of the few guys in the market who know Roland\'s true situation?"


Yes! Compared with Microsoft, which is researching what Roland is doing, Disney is the most confused one at the moment!

  Roland entered the search field?

  What the **** is holding the grass!

  Even though all the movies this year have made money, they are still not good!

   "Didn\'t you tell me that the future belongs to the portal?"

  In the Disney conference room, Michael Eisner knocked on the table and roared: "At the beginning of the year, you told me that the success of Yahoo and MSN meant that the cable TV network would gradually be replaced by the Internet!"

"The Internet community can shorten the distance between people and allow people to express their feedback in the first place. Roland\'s marriage proposal can completely paralyze Yahoo and MSN. This is the best example! So we Disney also want to make a portal website!"

   "But because this market is already saturated, in order to develop, we have to find other entry points."

"So, under your choice, on June 18 this year, we acquired Infoseek, the largest search engine on the market! Because it contains 64 million web pages, it has a natural advantage when converted into a portal! "

   "Then, we asked them to stop the maintenance and development of search engines and start building portal websites!"

   That\'s right, when he learned that Roland had made a big detour and just invested in a search engine website that the company hadn\'t even established, the Disney tyrant almost spiraled into the sky!

  Because they acquired Infoseek, the world\'s largest search engine, and let everyone go to the portal!

Their idea at the time was: to use the massive URLs already included in the search engine to directly skip Yahoo’s web page reserve process, and then imitate MSN and NBC to create an MSNBC cooperation model, relying on the existing ABC and the acquired Infoseek, Make a portal website that draws on the best of all schools of thought!

  Compared with MSN, Disney has the foundation of the cable media network, so there is no need to worry about information. Compared with Yahoo, Disney also has the search engine foundation of Infoseek. After all, this is the preferred search engine of Netscape!

  And if MSN and Yahoo are added together, the portal website made by Disney still has massive content advantages!

  The background accumulated for many years is not comparable to that of Microsoft and Yahoo!

In their blueprint, they surpassed MSN in two years and defeated Yahoo in four years. After Disney mastered the world\'s largest portal website, the Internet publicity would be one step faster. Within five years, the remaining five Everyone has to call themselves dad!

  Can now...

   They just cracked open!

   "But! Two months later!"

   "The guy who you call the best performance of the portal website, he started to engage in search engines!"

   "Just tell me what to do now!"

   With Michael Eisner roaring, the conference room was as quiet as a chicken.

  They, like Bill Gates, do not believe that Roland is really just a search engine for Amazon, because over the years, Roland has done a lot of bad things through the portal website...

   Let’s take the hype control review as an example.

Before "Titanic" was filmed, Roland had already used IMDb and Yahoo to make those netizens feel like they were dying. With his manipulation, the sense of participation and exposure that netizens got made the market value of the website even higher. Times soared.

   And this kind of experience is what those media giants are most envious of.

In the past, they guided public opinion by publishing some directional news at most, and it was a dream to turn these directional news into money, because many advertising fees were negotiated in advance, and Roland was on the Internet. Online operations let them see the possibility of guiding public opinion and making a lot of money, because of this—

  Ghosts believe that Roland is just playing with search engines casually!

   It is because of understanding that Disney is uncomfortable!

  Can’t you get into the industry earlier if you are special?

   Do we have to spend 200 million yuan to turn the search engine into a portal website before entering the game?

  Although they also understand that if such groundless accusations are spread, they will only laugh at the big teeth of their peers, but—

   They are literally exploding now!

   It exploded so that no one dared to take the blame!

   And the actions of the stupid goose made Michael Eisner almost spit fire with anger.

   "Don\'t be silent!"

   "Come out with your solution!"

"Although we will announce the portal website Go.com next month, we still have the opportunity to modify it now! We can choose again, whether to stick to the portal, return to search, or do both! "

  Michael Eisner personally thinks the third point is the best.

  Because Disney is the richest company in Hollywood, not one of them!

  As long as the target is determined, let alone 200 million, they can smash it even if it is 200 million!

However, just when Michael Eisner was about to wave his hand and take care of everything as before, a weak voice suddenly spread throughout the conference room, causing his eyebrows to rise instantly, and the other people present Lowered his head.

   "Boss, we may not be able to return to search, let alone catch portal search..."

   "Why?" Michael Eisner asked in confusion.

   "Because, because, because of the invention of hyperlink analysis technology, Robin Li, who made Infoseek the number one position in the search engine industry, chose to leave. Without his leadership, Infoseek\'s research and development progress will only become slower and slower..."

   "Huh?" Michael Eisner frowned, "Why is he leaving? Which company is he going to?"

   "Is it Google? Didn\'t Infoseek sign a non-compete agreement with him?"

The tyrant is a little nervous. If the chief engineer of Infoseek jumps to Google, it proves that Roland is really going to start playing tricks. He is notorious for his mental retardation. After all, he is the one who pushes Disney to become a door.

   It was also he who agreed to acquire the search engine with the largest market share, and then changed it into a portal.

   Under his gaze, the guy who gave the news shook his head.

   "No, although he didn\'t sign a non-competition agreement, he didn\'t go to Google..."

   This answer made Michael Eisner relieved, "It\'s not Google..."

   However, as soon as he finished his words, the regretful news appeared again, "However, he chose to go home and start a business..."

   "Go home and start a business?" This decision made Michael Eisner even happier, "It\'s easier to handle!"

   "Negotiate with him again and offer him a higher salary! Offer him stock options! Give him a promotion!"

"No! As long as he can stay in Infoseek and lead Infoseek to continue to maintain the number one position in the search engine, the business in Infoseek is up to him alone. If he wants to manage Go.com, let him manage it. , if he doesn\'t want to take care of it, then separate Go.com and Infoseek!"

   Just when Michael Eisner believed confidently that no one could refuse the silver bullet offensive, the last words of his subordinate made his smile froze on his face, "Boss, Robin Li may not need these things."

   "Heis Chinese."

   "And come home every year."

Note: ①When Google was first established, Susan Wojcicki, who borrowed their garage, had just turned 30, was just married, was pregnant for three months, and was an employee of Intel. Because her father was optimistic about Google, she resigned Intel\'s job became Google\'s sixteenth employee. ② Back then, few search engines knew how to write. It is true that six out of ten of the things Amazon found were wrong, and it was Dr. Wu Jun’s message on Google’s blackboard to recruit talents through the acquisition of companies. ③Disney really made a portal website! And I really want to punch Microsoft and step on Yahoo. The domain name Go.com was taken by Michael Eisner himself, and it was also his idea to decide to acquire the search engine with the largest market share and turn it into a portal. Now, the domain name Go.com can still be used, but it is no longer a portal website, but a guide website within Disney. This website can be accessed without using a ladder, but the redirection direction is based on your IP. If you are in China On the Internet, they point to cn.



  (end of this chapter)

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