
Chapter 753 Procuring a Little Brother Part ll

Sure enough, the bell rang, and the teacher halted their lecture. The kids gathered into their cliques and began to head to the dining hall. Noemi approached Hans before he could escape from her clutches and smiled before handing over her homemade lunch.

"Hansy, do you want to eat lunch with me? I made your favorite?"

Hans felt unnerved as he heard the pet name that the girl created for him. Since he had begun interacting with the girl, she had become more and more friendly, though he did not mind as she spoiled him dearly, just like how his mother did. Ultimately, he decided to take the girl up on the offer, and the two of them absconded to the Cafeteria where the girl pulled out her meal and handed it over to the boy.

The dish was a homemade buffalo chicken cheese casserole. This was not some high-class meal prepared by an expert chef like Hans was used to eating. Instead, it was a dish popular among commoner households, and because he was never able to taste these things outside of Noemi\'s influence, he had decided to store away the lunch his mother had prepared for him. Noemi pulled out a portable grill and lit the charcoal on fire, where she heated up the dish in a metal bowl.

While Hans was salivating over the idea of eating Noemi\'s home-made casserole, someone gazed upon him from the entranceway. As an Imperial Prince, Hans had special privileges, and one of these was out-of-school visitors during lunch period.

Veronika gazed upon the sight of the Hungarian beauty warming up her food for the Prince and glowered. She had come all this way from her prestigious girls\' school to visit her little fiancee, and share a meal with him, and yet some harlot had gotten her clutches into him while she was away.

Why didn\'t Hans ever mention this girl to her? Who was she, and how did she get to know Hans? What were her plans? These were all thoughts that were going through Veronika\'s head as she watched the two of them chat with cheerful smiles. Hans was smiling? Why did he never do that around her? Veronika ultimately lost her cool when she saw the busty redheaded bimbo feed the boy with her spoon. She gazed upon the sight and dropped her lunch box, which clanged loudly on the floor.

"Come here Hansy, let big sister feed you! Open wide!"

Before Hans could accept the spoonful of casserole, Veronika\'s arm latched firmly onto Noemi\'s hand, preventing her from feeding the boy. There was a furious glare coming from Veronika\'s heterochromatic eyes as she scolded the Hungarian beauty for enticing her fiance.

"Hansy? Why are you calling my Hans such a childish nickname?"

Noemi shivered when he saw the enraged Veronika. She knew the boy had fiancees as she had heard the rumors, but she never expected one of them to invade her school and catch her in the act. She forced a pretty smile on her face as she tried to the greet the girl standing in front of her, but Veronika was not having it.

"You must be Veronika. I have heard so much about you from Hansy-"

Before the girl could finish her sentence, Veronika slapped her violently across the cheek, leaving a red handprint. Noemi gazed in shock at the Bohemian Princess as she underwent another scolding.

"You harlot! Who told you that you could approach the Imperial Prince? Do you think you are worthy? Hans, I don\'t want you talking to this girl anymore! Come with me. We have lunch to enjoy!"

Veronika grabbed hold of Hans\' forearm and tried to leave him away when the little brat slapped her across the face. Startling the Bohemian Princess and everyone else in the cafeteria who gazed upon the drama from this little love triangle. Veronika could not believe that Hans had just struck her, and instantly fell back in fear.

"Hans wh-"

Tears streamed down her eyes as she tried to ask why Hans was being so cruel to her, but the vicious gaze in the boy\'s eyes which accompanied his verbal thrashing laid out the reason before she could even ask the question.

"You dare tell me who I can and cannot associate with? Who do you think you are? I am Prince Hans von Kufstein and heir to the German Empire, yet you think that just because you are my fiancee that you have control over me? Veronika, I think you have overstayed your welcome. Go back to your all-girls\' school before I get angry."

After saying this, the boy did not spare Veronika a second glance, and instead checked on Noemi\'s condition. His following words dug a hole in Veronika\'s heart, causing her to flee while in tears.

"Big sis Noemi, are you alright? I hope that girl did not cause you any harm!"

The last thing Veronika saw before she sprinted from the school was Noemi stuffing the boy into her bosom and stroking his hair with a wicked grin on her face.

"Oh my sweet little Hansy, it\'s not your fault. It\'s only natural for the little bitch to be jealous of our relationship!"

Having said this, the two of them continued their meal, while Veronika was forced to flee the scene in shame.


It did not take long for news of this incident to reach Linde\'s ears. After all, she had several eyes watching her children at all times. When she learned of this incident, she immediately halted her work regarding national intelligence. Instead of handling crucial matters of state, she proceeded to acquire all the information she could on the young Hungarian beauty named Noemi.

Linde stared at the report in her hands with a frown on her face. Pictures did not exist yet, and because of that, she could only read the description of the teenage girl, which enraged the overprotective mother. Long red hair, violet eyes, and most importantly, a developed figure, despite her young age.

This, combined with the reports of Noemi forcing the prince to call her big sister, made it clear to Linde that the girl was just a cheap knockoff of herself. The idea that her precious baby boy was falling into the clutches of a young Hungarian vixen filled Linde with rage and jealousy.

Hans was still a young boy who needed his mommy, so why was he pursuing a younger version of herself so soon? He was only supposed to do that when he was older. This could not stand. Linde had no choice but to have a face-to-face meeting with this girl and see just what her plans were for her precious baby boy.

Currently, Linde was at her office in the headquarters of Imperial Intelligence. After reading this report and coming to a decision, she had burst out of the room, looking for one particular person. Soon she found a young blonde woman who was her secretary. This woman was brewing a cup of coffee, which Linde immediately halted as she gave her another order.

"I want you to find this Vászoly Noemi, and invite the little bitch to the palace. I expect to meet with her shortly."

The secretary could tell there was a hint of hostility in Linde\'s sky-blue eyes, and immediately gulped the saliva that was pooled in her throat. There was nothing more fearsome to the members of Imperial Intelligence than the Director when she was angry. Especially if that anger was directed towards someone who had targeted her family. Upon seeing the woman pause in fright, Linde glared at her fiercely before questioning why she was still silent.

"What are you just standing there for? Get to it already!"

The woman quickly placed down the pitcher of coffee and saluted Linde before scurrying off to fulfil the task she had been given. Hans was entirely unaware that the little incident with Veronika and Noemi had found its way to his mother\'s ears before the school day was even over.

Thus, it was quite a shock when an agent of Imperial Intelligence approached Noemi after class and invited her to his house. It was in that moment he knew that he had fucked up. There was only one reason his mother would know about Noemi, and that was because he had made a scene.

Hans dreaded the idea of what his mother might do to him when she learned out about his illicit relationship with a foreign girl. Thus, while being led back to the palace by members of Imperial Intelligence, Hans and Noemi were both shivering in fear.

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