
Chapter 441: Battle in front of the Royal Castle

Chapter 441: Battle in front of the Royal Castle

When we stepped into the noble district, we were immediately confronted by men with pseudo fanatic swords stuck in them. However, as long as they were far enough, my telekinetic catapult would kill them instantly.

I had to give some of them away, though, because Eihwaz claimed them.

「Fuhaha. I still have some things to try」

He slurped down the potion he had taken out of his pocket. It seemed to be a body enhancing potion. He jumped into his opponent\'s bosom at once and began to fight with the swordsman.


「I see I see! Drugs and skill with body strengthening effect can be used――In other words, magic counteracting does not work for things that act in the body!」

He threw the medicine he had taken out at the enemy who was charging at him. At the same time, he plunged into the enemy with his fists clenched.

He\'s good. If he dodges the potion, he\'ll probably fall prey to Eihwaz\'s physical strengthened fist. If he wants to get rid of the potion, he needs to consumes magic power to activate magic cancel to cancel out the potion\'s effect and his magic would be drained Either way, Eihwaz had the advantage.

He then uses his ice magic to freeze the enemy, who has used up all of his magic by cleaving the medicine with his sword, he wins without a scratch.

It seems that Eihwaz true essence was the use of his magic, close combat and potion together. If we have to fight him, he is a very nasty opponent with no noticeable gaps.

Fran seemed to have thought the same thing, and was observing Eihwaz\'s battle with an eye as if looking for a weakness.

『Aside from magic and hand-to-hand combat technique, drugs is completely unknown to us…』

(Nn. Strong)

After a few battles, Fran and Eihwaz reached the square in front of the royal castle.

The plaza in front of the royal castle was made quite large in order to accommodate a military parade. However, there was a fierce battle going on there, more than I had imagined.

There were about 100 enemies. Among them, there were probably about 40 with pseudo fanatic swords stuck in them. Along with them, an ogre-like magical beast about two meters tall was running rampant.

When I appraised it, it came up as a Flesh Greater Golem (1). Apparently, it was a golem made from a corpse. It was also quite strong. Its agility was low, but it was sturdy and had regeneration ability. It would be quite a nuisance while being protected by the Pseudo Fanatic Sword\'s magic counteracting power. At least a few knights should not be able to resist it.

In contrast, there were probably about 200 knights. If you include those who had already fallen, there were probably more than 500. There were also adventurers in the crowd.

There\'s Colbert too. There\'s even an appearance of Eliante. I didn\'t expect her to be here. The two of them are still moving exceptionally well. However, there were five people who were showing comparable work.

Maybe the five of them were in the same party. They wore armor of the same design and fought in tandem. Maybe they were the half-insect kin.

『I think that\'s the mercenary group Eliante was talking about. I believe it was called Antennae and Shells (2) or something like that……』

Well, it was just as the name implied. Some of them have antennae growing out of their heads, while others have parts of their bodies covered with hard shells.

The species are hardy shrimps, locusts, clams, dragonfly, and fanged ants (3). However, it seems that they are still struggling due to their inability to use skills and magic. Even so, they fought in tandem and seemed to have killed more than ten flesh golems, which was impressive.

(Master, there\'s the count)

『In the meantime, lets join him』


Fran ran across the battlefield at once and cut down the swordsmen infested by the pseudo fanatic swords around Count Bailleys and the others.

The knights were stunned to see their struggling opponent defeated so easily. But when the Count saw that it was Fran who had appeared, he nodded approvingly.

「As expected of the Black Lightning Princess! How did you do that? You looked different form the time of the battle at the mansion」

So, Fran tells them what to do. The Count, however, has a difficult look on his face. If you think about it, it wasn\'t so easy to fire off a bunch of magic to drain the magic power, or to throw a bunch of magic potions.

「Lets collect all the potions we can find or go to…Anyway, I\'ve heard good things about you. Can you help me eradicate this square first?」

「Nn. But, are the other place is fine?」

Enemies must have appeared from the Marquis Ashtner\'s and Count Ormes\' mansions……

「…They should be fine. Rank A adventurers are heading there」

「Heading there?」

「We\'ve had a lot of adventurers come through here for the auction. Eliante talked me about it」

Is that so? If you\'re a high-ranking adventurer, you\'re probably interested in the auction. The auction has already ended, but I\'m sure there are many adventurers still left in royal capital.

「What about Velmeria?」

「We haven\'t found her yet. Forget about my daughter for now. Think only of defeating the enemy. The safety of royal capital is more important」

After all, he was probably saying these words to himself as well. The Count told Fran with an expression as if he was holding something back.

「Don\'t worry. The adventurers will rescue her. She should be fine」

『Fran. Since we can\'t find her, all we can do now is reduce the enemy\'s strength』

「…All right. I\'ll take care of the enemy here for now」

「Well then, let\'s go, shall we? The flesh walls are just to attract our attention. It will be easy to be done with later. Let\'s ignore the meat wall and reduce the number of swordsmen first」


Then Fran and the others ran out into the battlefield.


We don\'t even know what kind of battle we\'ll have after this. Let’s save Black Lightning Rush for later. But it seems for this battlefield, awakening alone was enough.

Although it was a melee, it was easy to distinguish friend from foe by using the pseudo fanatic sword as a marker. All we have to do is sneak up from their blind spot and strike the pseudo fanatic sword with all our might.

In some cases, barriers or other factors may prevent that attack from being determined, in that case, simply switch to a magic saturated attack.

「Eh? Why a child here――what!」

「What? A black shadow!」

The knights are surprised to see Fran suddenly appear and easily bury a powerful enemy. However, Fran ignores them and runs on the battlefield.


An explosion and a knight\'s scream. Apparently Eihwaz is hustling too.


From the middle of the battle, not only Colbert and Eliante, but also the mercenaries came to the aid of Fran. They dared to move flamboyantly to attract the attention of the enemy. This made the job even easier.

It took us less than fifteen minutes to clean up the pseudo fanatic sword holders. Then, against the last enemy, I tried to unleash a controlled amount of Kanna Kamui. I wanted to find out how much magic that sword could still counteract to.

『Hmm, It should be as strong as Thor Hammer (4) or something huh』


It seemed that a magic of Kanna Kamui class could not be counteracted as expected. Although the power of the thunder was considerably reduced, the thunderbolt annihilated the enemy along with the pseudo fanatic sword, leaving a huge crater in the square in front of the royal castle.

『That was a bit overkill』

「It\'s better than being cancelled out」


(1) フレッシュ?グレーター?ゴーレム furesshu gurētā gōremu

(2) 触角と甲殻 shokkaku to koukaku. On ch. 434 it was Tentacles and Shells. Changed into Antennae and Shells.

(3) 堅海老 Ken Ebi, 飛蝗 batta, 蜃 shen, 蜉蝣 kagerou, 牙蟻 kiba ari . I never thought shrimp and clams was an insect!? They are 蟲人 mushibito insect-men,……or maybe, anything small and have carapace like exosskeleton counted as insect…? nvm

(4) トール?ハンマー Tōru hanmā

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