
Chapter Volume 3 16

Book 03: Nirvana RebirthChapter 16: Long Live, Long Live

Translator: Princeknife and Judairu

Editors: Dragneel and Megumin_Explosion

Had the last of his bloodline annihilated just like that? Gone like a wisp of air?

Yes, of course. It\'s all because of Zhong Shan.

The Su Family Old Ancestor waved his longsword around; without delay, an swiftly advanced towards Zhong Shan without care and regards to his life. Seeing the situation turn out like this, Zhong Shan frowned coldly and withdrew his Eternal Blade wrapped around his waist and retreated explosively. Zhong Shan leaped on the highest roof, his after image distorted and flashed away from the far distance.

Zhong Shan fled to a more secluded area because he had people he needed to protect. The fight between Zhong Shan and the Su Family Old Ancestor would be too fierce, and he believed the people he needed to protect would be caught in their conflict and die needlessly, so Zhong Shan fleed and lured the Su Family Old Ancestor away. As expected, the Su Family Old Ancestor followed suit and pursued him doggedly.

Zhong Shan and the Su Family Old Ancestor\'s figure gradually disappeared, fading into the distance.

The archers set their bow down, not daring to shoot any more arrows.

Who would dare to when Patriarch Zhong was over there? Who would dare to take responsibility should any of the arrows miss their targeted mark and instead, hit their Patriarch? No one! They would only be sinners who brought about the death of their Patriarch.

The last of the remaining few Xiantian expert was captured by the hands of Zhong Shan\'s allies and led by Zhong Tian. Therefore, Zhong Shan was able to have a peace of mind and didn\'t need to worry about their safety and well-being. Zhong Shan only needed to focus on defeating the Su Family Old Ancestor.

While running on the roof in haste, switching roofings one after another, Zhong Shan did not panic. At the fourth level of Xiantian, Zhong Shan\'s shadow was able to deal with the Copper Jiangshi presently at the fifth level of Xiantian.

In time, the Su Family Old Ancestor\'s face gradually turned a disgusting hue of purple.

"There is poison on the arrows," The Su Family Ancestor grimaced.

Zhong Shang laughed softly, "You are right. The faster you chase and move, the faster the poison will spread."

"Bastard!" The Su Family Old Ancestor roared angrily and brazenly slashed his longsword towards Zhong Shan, who the cause of his suffering.

A huge wisp of Sword Qi appeared from the Su Family Old Ancestor\'s longsword and rapidly flew towards Zhong Shan. He gazed at the direction the Sword Qi was travelling, and moved slightly, evading the slash at the instance the Sword Qi was about to hit him. In the end, the Su Family Old Ancestor\'s Sword Qi only bushed past his body like a soft gale wind.

"Ah…" The Su Family Old Ancestor watched the scene unfold and was left somewhat dumbfounded as if he could not understand what had just occurred.

How could this be? How is it possible? How? How is he able to dodge my Sword Qi?

Zhong Shan naturally would not wish to explain how he managed to do so, only continuing to the onslaught attacks of the injured and poisoned Su Family Old Ancestor.

Zhong Shan led the Su Family Old Ancestor on a wild goose chase around Xian City. With the flow of time, the Su Family Old Ancestor\'s speed gradually slowed like that of a snail.


The Su Family Old Ancestor spat a mouthful of thick, black blood that once flowed a scarlet red in his veins. The corner of his lips were tinged a bloody black.

"Guuur… gug… guggg…"

He continued spitting out thick, black blood, soaking his clothing.

Meanwhile, dozens of arrows was fired out of the Ox Crossbows and came from the western courtyard. Unexpectedly, without notice, the arrows speedily shot towards the bewildered Su Family Old Ancestor and in a blink of an eye, the Su Family Old Ancestor was nailed against the wall of another courtyard.

Just like that, the Su Family Old Ancestor met his death.

Zhong Shan stood on the roof, watching the lifeless Su Family Old Ancestor with a cold glint.

There were multiple courtyard in the entire city armed with crossbows which Zhong Shan personally arranged. The Ox Crossbows was ready to go at any moment, only waiting for the signal, waiting for that crucial moment.

Zhong Shan looked at the courtyard where the Su Family Old Ancestor met his unexpected death. Zhong Shan nodded satisfyingly as planned and walked back to the river bank where his allies stood.

At the river bank, the ember flames continued to scorch the air, reaching as far as the heavens. Most of the Xiantian experts had already been exterminated. Those ten great Xiantian experts hiding within the army cowardly were single handedly lured out by Zhong Shan\'s myriads of warfare strategies and soon fell into a trap of death designed by him.

Zhong looked over his people from the high and they looked at him with great reverence—their hearts brimming with the utmost respect and adoration. Even Ying Lan, blended amongst the sea of people felt the same sort of respects towards Zhong Shan.

Whereas, on the other side of the riverbank, the opposing enemy donned gazes of fear, anger, and despair. Their hearts wavered back and forth and their minds were in utter chaos and conflict.

Zhong Shan faced the other side of the river bank, "Surrender and I will promise all that has happened today will be overlooked, letting bygones be bygones." Zhong Shan sternly declared.

His declaration was met with utter silence and was only broken by an enemy soldier of the opposing side. He knelt down and shouted, "Long live Zhong Shan! Long live Zhong Shan! Long live Zhong Shan!"

Despite the act being seen as cowardly and disgraceful, the enemy soldier readily acknowledged Zhong Shan as he would if he was to pay respect to the emperor.

What else could he do? The ten great Xiantian experts is dead; the Emperor is dead; the Su Family Old Ancestor is dead. What else could he have done? Nothing. Though the situation at the capital will become unstable, their death has already signified the end of the Su Family\'s reign.


"Long live, long live, long live!" A chant echoed throughout the air.

More and more enemy soldiers on the opposite river bank shouted their willingness to submit to Zhong Shan and kowtowed respectfully.

With more and more of the enemy soldiers kneeling, paying respects, and submitting themselves willingly, Ying Lan, Zhong Tian, and Zhong Zheng also kneeled alongside them.

"Long live, long live, long live!"

Like a domino effect, the whole of Xuan City kneeled from generals alike to merchants and even stretching all the way to the normal civilians.

"Long live, long live, long live!"

The chants echoing throughout the air increasingly grew louder and louder till it became ear deafening. The warriors and soldiers on the opposite river banks kneeled down by the dozens in continuous succession.

"Long live, long live, long live!"

Just like that, Xian City and the opposing enemies from the opposite river bank kneeled and paid their respects in the presence of Zhong Shan.

But there were still a few remaining minority who refused to kneel and submit themselves to Zhong Shan. They stood their ground, determined to remain loyal to the Su Family.

"The capital has been overrun by General Lin Xiao! The Su Family has fallen with every last descendant of their bloodline exterminated! You still dare to oppose?!" A sudden shout echoed deep in the hearts of the few minority.

This reverberating shout crushed the last remaining vestige of resistance to those still loyal to the Su Family clan and immediately kowtowed, a sign of surrender.

"Long live, long live, long live!"

Many suppressed their last vestige of hope and kneeled down to Zhong Shan. Of course, it was due to the current circumstance and the death of the Su Family, but it was also because they acknowledge Zhong Shan\'s power and strategic abilities.

This must be heavens\' will.

As they looked at the fiery river, they thought, how could a river filled with water burn? How can water catch fire? Is this even possible? Even water can catch fire?

If Zhong Shan is able to do this, surely it must be the sign of the heavens.

If they don\'t kneel, they\'ll be going against heavens\' will and surely they\'ll suffer from the heavens wrath. They can do nothing but submit. What else could they do, lest they wish to go against the heavens which they dare not to.

Yes. It is heavens\' will, and because it is heavens\' will they will obediently submit.

The ember flames gradually subsided and Zhong Shan knew it was the sign of oil fuelling the flames has finished burning. If Su Lian Xian knew that oil could only sustain itself in the fiery river for a short period of time, perhaps he would not have recklessly initiated a fight to the death. Perhaps, Zhong Shan would not have won victorious but instead it would have been Su Lian Xian. Unfortunately, Su Lian Xian did not know and it was because he did not know that it led to his downfall.

Similarly, like the enemy soldiers, the citizens also did not know of Zhong Shan\'s tricks and countless knowledge. They believed the burning river was a sign from the heavens and only by paying respect to Zhong Shan will they be able to appease heavens\' fury. And with time, the flames did subside, causing the citizens and enemy soldiers alike to think that Zhong Shan obtained the blessings of heaven.

Zhong Shan received the Mandates of Heaven.

| TN: The Mandates of Heaven is a Chinese philosophical concept that there can / could only be one legitimate ruler of China at a time, and usually, this ruler had the blessings of the gods. |

"Long live, long live, long live!"

Those few dissidents still willing to put up their last attempts of resistance eventually surrendered when facing the heavens\' decree.

Outside the northern city gate, the vast green expanse were covered by the people who kneeled and paid respects to Zhong Shan.

It was at this moment that Zhong Shan took his very first step at governance, "Rise! Generals, take stock of your soldiers. Report any casualties and deaths." He solemnly commanded.

"It will be done!" The generals at opposite river bank rose up and hurriedly carried out Zhong Shan\'s decree.

Wei Tai Zhong carried a horsetail whisk and walked towards Zhong Shan.

Zhong Shan gazed over the corpses of the dead Xiantian experts. His gaze stopped momentarily when he looked at Su Lian Xian. His eyes flashed briefly with a tinge of pity. Su Lian Xian was after all, a valiant warrior worthy of being Zhong Shan\'s opponent. Were it another lifetime, they could have become brothers, but sadly, fate played a different role. Su Lian Xian must die.

"Bury him and prepare a lavish funeral." Zhong Shan indicated towards the body of Su Lian Xian.

"Yes! We will fulfill your orders!" The soldiers behind Zhong Shan bowed respectfully and proceeded towards Su Lian Xian\'s body.

"Wait!" A sudden shout echoed.

Wei Tai Zhong appeared in front of Su Lian Xian\'s body that is covered with fifteen silver arrows. In the pools of Wei Tai Zhong\'s eyes, there exists a venomous glint, almost as if he held an extreme degree of hatred.

"Give me the corpse." Wei Tai Zhong glared at Su Lian Xian\'s body.

"Bastard, who do you think you are?!" Ying Lan fumed with anger.

Presently Zhong Shan had already risen to a position of a ruler and yet this fellow disregarded Zhong Shan\'s decree? Zhong Shan\'s will is the will of the heavens! His decree is indisputable and no one is allowed to question Zhong Shan\'s commands!

This is what Ying Lan thought.

After hearing what Ying Lan had said, We Tai Zhong turned around and glared at her coldy. The orbs of his eyes surfaced an eerie thread of moss-green light.

"Ying Lan, stop talking." Zhong Shan commanded.

Ying Lan? She\'s Ying Lan?

Upon hearing Zhong Shan\'s command, Wei Tai Zhong\'s originally cold gaze turned into a warm and gentle gaze towards the Ying Lan fuming with anger.

"Ying Lan, no talking back. He is Wei Tai Zhong and…" Zhong Shan explained but was abruptly cut off.

"Your Majesty, I apologize. Tai Zhong was rude. General Ying Lan was right. Please punish this subordinate." Zhong Shan who was about to divulge Wei Tai Zhong\'s birth origin was ultimately stopped by him.

Zhong Shan raised his brows but, did not say anything.

He nodded slightly and decided not to mention Wei Tai Zhong\'s birth origin.

"Alright, Tai Zhong, Su Lian Xian\'s corpse will be under your custody and its funeral will be your responsibility."

Wei Tai Zhong took a slight glance at Ying Lan glaring profusely at him.

Wei Tai Zhong was not the slightest bit angry.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" He immediately kowtowed.

Wei Tai Zhong understood Zhong Shan\'s intent by allowing him to take charge of Su Lian Xian\'s funeral. So long as Wei Tai Zhong switched the bodies before the funeral, Su Lian Xian\'s corpse would become his.

Ying Lan still glared coldly at Wei Ta Zhong who was left unaware of his identity.

"Ying Lan." Said Zhong Shan.

"Yes!" Ying Lan hurriedly answered.

"Incorporate the Northern Gate\'s troops into your own and lead your soldiers to force the soldiers in the Eastern, Western, and Southern Gate into submission." Zhong Shan said, fully confident of Ying Lan\'s ability.

"Understood!" Ying Lan replied.

"Wei Tai Zhong." Zhong Shan beckoned.

"This subordinate is here." Wei Tai Zhong answered.

"Follow General Ying Lan. You are to protect her well-being and are responsible for her safety." Zhong Shan declared.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Wei Tai Zhong understood the intent behind Zhong Shan\'s decree and replied with a foolish smile.

However, to Ying Lan\'s dismay, she was unhappy at the prospect of Wei Tai Zhong following her despite him being a warrior at the Xiantian level. She was only unhappy due to the unsightly and disrespectful attitude he had show Zhong Shan.

Zhong Shan never treats his friends any less than how he treats himself and yet who is this Wei Tai Zhong? Just the Emperor\'s eunuch while she holds the position of her formidable grand-uncle\'s granddaughter.

Ying Lan continued to glare at Wei Tai Zhong coldly while he was seemingly unaffected and continued to be in a sweet mood.

After a diligent work of getting people to carry Su Lian Xian\'s corpse, Wei Tai Zhong followed Ying Lan to accomplish her mission.

"Zhong Zheng!" Zhong Shan called out.

"Yes!" Zhong Zheng acknowledged.

"You are responsible for the management of the entire city. Add up all the losses and gains. Manage the logistics properly. You shall also be cooperating fully with Ying Lan to maintain the city\'s operations smoothly."

"Yes!" Zhong Zheng swore to complete it in his name.

After Zhong Shan\'s finished giving out his commands and decrees, he went back to the Zhong Residence. Along the way, the city\'s citizens hurriedly paid respects and kneeled when they saw him. With Zhong Shan rising as their new ruler, and having the Mandates of Heaven, respects must naturally be paid to their new monarch.

The Eight Families of the Xuan City sighed deeply at Zhong Shan\'s achievement that left them reeling in shock at his arrival.。

At the Zhong Residence, in front of a beautifully designed courtyard, Zhong Shan turned to Zhong Tian who was behind him.

"Tian\'er, stand guard outside and do not let anyone disturb me."

"Yes!" Zhong Tian answered

Zhong Shan entered the inner courtyard and faced a particular corner.

"An Huang, do not let anyone disturb me." Zhong Shan instructed.

"Yes!" A reply came from that particular corner.

Zhong Shan entered the room and carefully triggered a secret switch. The floorings of the room sunk into the ground and revealed the openings to a secret room located under the visible room.

Zhong Shan lit up a candle, closed the opening securely and went inside the secret room. The candlelight illuminated the darkness of the secret room. In the middle of the room, there was a praying mat with a small table in front of it. Zhong Shan made himself comfortable on the praying mat and retrieved two important objects under the table and place it on top of the table.

Heavenly Nine Dragon Jade Square!

Nine Coloured Dragon Silkworm!

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