
Chapter 536 - 536 Underwater?

Mykael then continue to explain to them: “I used a lot of Divine energy to be able to save this world and those powerful ores, like the one of my swords, can only be found where there has been a high concentration of very powerful energy.”

Axel understood better now… As his father had banished all kind of technology from their world, this ore that could have become another powerful weapons, had stayed hidden at the bottom of the ocean all this time.

Kevin then asked them: “Can you mine it or should we ask Connor and Derek to come?”

Mykael felt a little bit uncomfortable mining it, after all it wasn’t theirs in the first place, it was like he was plungering resources from this world and he didn’t like that…

Colin who knew him by heart then told him while intertwining his fingers with his: “Look at me, we are not stealing this ore from them, none of these Werewolves would be able to dive this far into the ocean, they are not powerful enough for that, and if you really feel guilty then compensate them.

Offer Greg some large legendary grade magic crystals this way Greg who already feels indebted to you will feel even worse.”

Mykael then sighed and he told them: “I know that I shouldn’t probably feel guilty but that’s how I feel… Okay I will follow Colin advice and give them some large legendary grade magic crystals in compensation for this ore.”

Willow then let out one of her melodious sound and Axel told her father: “Our daughter is really proud to have such a great grandpa… Let’s do as you wish dad, but let’s be honest with Greg and tell him about this ore, Colin is right, he already feels indebted to you so I’m sure he will be really happy to help you this time.”


Colin then said once Mykael had finally relaxed: “I think Kevin has a point, we should ask Connor for help it would be much faster this way.”

Mykael nodded and after contacting Derek, because if you wanted to get the help of Connor, it was better to get the approval of his husband first, he opened a golden portal and went with Colin to get them.

Derek had agreed right away, it wouldn’t take long and Connor wanted to help them as best as he could anyways… Plus, Colin was the one who saved Connor the second time, so of course they wanted to help them.

When Mykael and Colin appeared in front of them, they were alone in an office and Colin asked them smiling: “So, how did it go earlier with the Shapeshifters, is Liam happy?”

Connor smiled and he told them: “Liam is very happy, and lot of Shapeshifters already agreed to move in the Demon territory.

One of the Shapeshifters’ elders even proposed to help us build an Academy where Demons and Shapeshifters could study together, and their Mages who mastered the earth element agreed to help us build the network that Kevin wants to put in place.”

Derek then put an arm around his shoulders and he then told them smiling too: “It went way better than what we imagined, the fact that the Shapeshifters had been mistreated by the humans because they were different from them helped us too.

They weren’t prejudicial with us and as our territory is in such a sorry state after this long war, they promised to help us to rebuilded it and in exchange they just want to be treated fairly like any other Demon living here.”

Mykael smile and he told them: “Kevin and Axel are waiting on the other side of this portal, they will be really happy to hear about this, let’s go.”

Derek and Connor then, hand in hand, passed throught the golden portal and they were quite shocked when they saw a force shield surrounding them and that once on the other side they were underwater… Underwater?

Axel after greeting them then told them: “I guess my dad and Colin forgot to tell you that this ore was at the bottom of an ocean.”

Derek who was looking curiously around them then said: “Indeed, they forgot to tell us about it, but I guess that with all your powers you will be able to expand this force shield so that Connor will be able to extract this ore… It’s beautiful.”

Connor and Derek were looking at the turquoise blue light that was coming from the bottom of this ocean when Mykael and Colin finally joined them and they told them: “We have warned Solomon and Kerry that you were with us so they won’t freak out when they wouldn’t be able to contact you.”

Connor thanked him and then he said to Mykael: “It’s the first time I have encountered this ore, but I can already feel its power… Help me get on the ground, from there I can give you a better idea of how far this ore spreads.”

Mykael then used his Divine power to get them all on the ground and as Derek had suggested, he expanded his force shield around all the surface where this turquoise blue color could be seen.

Connor didn’t waste time and he put both of his hands on the ground telling them: “The light we saw on the surface is only a small part of this ore and it is visible on the surface because this ore is denser here… There is such a huge quantity of this ore but that’s not all, there is also another ore stuck in the middle of it.

It is much more powerful but all in all these two ores are similar, so I guess that it’s the same ore but with a higher grade.”

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